Last month I talked about keeping your immune system strong for the holidays. Guess what? Here we are, not so many shopping days left. You’re doing a great job staying healthy, and we’re in the home stretch. It’s important to finish that list and still look and feel your best to ring in 2017.
The holidays can be stressful even for the best of us, with extra planning, lots of errands to run, visits to and from family and friends and, usually, all kinds of exposure to extra germs.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the most-recent statistics, more than 300,000 women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2016, and more than 40,000 will have died.
It’s no secret that everything you need to stay healthy is available online - aspirin, cough syrup, sleep aids, vitamins, supplements, and even prescription drugs.
That’s usually the first thing I hear from people who come into Medicine World looking for probiotics, after they see that we have 2 coolers and 4 feet of top-to-bottom display space dedicated to them.
Do you know what animal causes the most human deaths every year? It’s not sharks, or jellyfish, or snakes, or spiders. It’s not other humans (we come in second). It’s not lions, or tigers, or bears. Oh, my… The animal responsible for the most human deaths, year after year, is the mosquito.
This year, the CDC is telling us that because of the snowless winter and the warming weather trend, tick populations will be at their highest in years – you need to be proactive and have anti-tick and tick-borne disease kits ready, for tick removal and disease prevention.
Seasonal allergies are estimated to affect approximately 50 million Americans, with sneezing, stuffiness and itchy, watery eyes making life miserable for sufferers.
One of the most common complaints we hear is from older clients, and the children of older parents, telling us how hard it is to keep track of multiple medications. But the problem isn’t just confined to older people.
Every person has a uniquely specific hormonal structure and, like the members of a well-tuned orchestra, they play together, each with a critical contribution to keeping your body in harmony. There are more than hundred hormones that we know of, and much of the way they work is a mystery.