Seasonal allergies are estimated to affect approximately 50 million Americans, with sneezing, stuffiness and itchy, watery eyes making life miserable for sufferers.
Guess what? Probiotics, also known as “good bacteria”, may be helpful to people with seasonal allergies. Just one capsule of a good probiotic every night could change the balance of bacteria in your intestines in a way that helps protect your immune system from flaring up in response to pollens and other allergens.
An International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology study found that nearly 75% of people with seasonal allergies who took probiotics supplements or ate foods containing live probiotics showed reduced allergy symptoms. Most found that general quality of life overall was better as a side note. To me this is significant.
Maybe having a healthy gut because you take that extra live probiotic is the key to relief of any seasonal allergy symptoms you suffer. But don’t expect it to work immediately – you have to take probiotics daily to increase your good gut flora, slowly but surely. This is why I feel probiotics should be part of your daily routine, and are part of our Core 4 supplements.
Suffering from seasonal allergies? Try adding a probiotic, for relief straight from your gut.