The holidays can be stressful even for the best of us, with extra planning, lots of errands to run, visits to and from family and friends and, usually, all kinds of exposure to extra germs.
The combination of stress and exposure can often bring down your immunity, so it makes sense to keep a few things around the house, to make sure you can go on the offensive against colds and flu, without having to run out to get what you need.
The first thing I can recommend is that you stock up om your Core 4, for the whole family. And make sure you take them, every day. In case you have missed our posts about the Core 4, they are:
1. Multi Vitamins
2. Probiotics
3. Vitamin D
4. Fish Oil
If you don’t recall why I recommend them, you can click here to read my blog about the Core 4. Remembering these every morning will give you the immune boost you need during busy winter months.
I also urge you to remember to stay hydrated and to keep your hands clean, by frequent washing. And for your medicine chest, these are my recommendations:
Zinc Lozenges - Use 2 three to four times daily for any throat discomfort.
Chewable Congaplex - If you have kids in the house, the whole family can take this. if not, keep the capsules handy. When symptoms appear, take 1 – 3 every two hours for 48 hours, and then dose as directed until you feel great again.
Oscillococcinum - Take one vial on appearance of aches and chills. One vial at bedtime and one again upon waking in the morning.
Charcoal and Ginger Caps - If you eat a meal that you think maybe didn’t agree with you, take 2 charcoal and 3 ginger caps with water, to calm your stomach. Do this again 4 hours later, if needed.
Party Smart - When you party just a bit too much, take a dose and that fuzzy head shouldn’t be so fuzzy in the morning.
Delsum Cough Syrup - Take as directed so you can be cough-free all night long. This is sugar-free and okay if you’re diabetic.
Acetaminophen - An aspirin alternative that you mostly know by the brand name Tylenol, for minor pain from colds and headache.
Ibuprofen - Another aspirin substitute / anti-inflammatory, that you may know by the brand names Advil or Motrin, that helps reduce fever and minor aches.
Always remember to treat as soon as symptom appears and you will get the best possible results.
There you have it. And if you keep all these items on hand, you won’t have to run out in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner or while you are wrapping gifts in the dark of night. And that’s a lot less stress!
Happy holidays from all of us at Medicine World.