It’s no secret that everything you need to stay healthy is available online - aspirin, cough syrup, sleep aids, vitamins, supplements, and even prescription drugs.
What is a secret is that to find all of those things online you could spend hours searching multiple sites, when all you really need to do is make one trip to Medicine World.
Here are 10 reasons why you should give Medicine World your first look:
1. Someone is usually right there when you come in, to say “May I help you find something?” and then hunt it down, like a friendly human search engine. You could be in and out in a flash.
2. You can have a conversation with a real live pharmacist or nurse who truly has your best interests in mind.
3. When need to talk, or to ask questions about things like dosage, side effects, and other concerns, we’re here to listen, and answer, in real time – no wasting time clicking all over the place only to end up useless info.
4. If you want to validate that holistic approach you researched on the computer, Carmina will give you the pros and cons, and put her expertise and wisdom to work helping you choose highest-quality products that are right for you.
5. Worried about the quality of pharmaceuticals, supplements and natural remedies? We can usually tell you where things come from, and we carry only products made under the strictest quality controls. We also formulate some medicines and remedies right in our own well-equipped lab, including hormone treatments, pain relievers, skin care products and more.
6. Our lab is at your service when what you or your doctor prescribes isn’t available commercially. We can:
- adjust a dosage for age and weight
- make it taste better for your child
- make a tablet into a capsule or liquid
- compound two or more medications into one dose
- package multiple pills into an easy dosage pack
- provide allergen-free alternatives to standard formulations
- rebuild medications that are no longer commercially available
7. Family pets are important, too, and we want them to stay healthy and fit. Check out the pet section or fill your pet’s prescription with us.
8. Our pricing is always competitive, especially when you factor in online shipping and handling charges. And if you want it delivered right to your door, we can do that.
9. Our Healthy Perks loyalty rewards program saves you money, and in many cases you end up spending less.
10. We keep learning, and we’re more than happy to share our knowledge with you.
Here’s bonus reason you’ll want to come to Medicine World… Because we take the time to listen to you about your health issues and goals, and we can make a plan – together – to help you or your family member(s) feel the best they can feel.
So now the secret is out – everything you need to stay healthy, including the best advice, is at Medicine World. Come on in!