Every person has a uniquely specific hormonal structure and, like the members of a well-tuned orchestra, they play together, each with a critical contribution to keeping your body in harmony. There are more than hundred hormones that we know of, and much of the way they work is a mystery. If you think your hormones are out of tune, though, you may be right.
The most common time for hormones to have a noticeable change is in mid-life, around the age of 50, but it does happen earlier, and later. At some point, both men’s and women's hormones drop enough for symptoms to become evident. Most of the time it, is no cause for major concern, but some symptoms can be very uncomfortable to deal with on a daily basis.
If and when you do notice discomfort you think may be tied to hormonal changes, it’s makes sense that you and your doctor work together. And we suggest that you also have your pharmacist - that’s us - contribute to your hormonal well-being, too!
Many prescription hormones are very, very expensive and your insurance will not cover them. A compounding pharmacist can customize the same hormone doses you get in the expensive pill, providing you with the same results at a lower cost.
We can also recommend generics and work to make sure your doctor prescribes them for you. Again, the same result for a lot less money. We know of several instances in which generics match the efficacy of high-demand brand-name drugs, at a quarter of the cost, or even less!
We also have many products - prescription, over-the-counter and natural - that can provide excellent symptom relief, including several formulations we make right in our own lab, such as our DHEA emollient, progesterone cream, Profen pain relief ointment, and our Comfort Ointment and hyaluronic acid suppositories for the relief of intimate dryness.
There is no need for you to suffer if your hormones stop playing well together. We have products that can help, with or without prescriptions.
By the way, a quick and easy home test that can show your levels is a saliva test kit. This kit can measure estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEAs, and cortisol, and give us exactly the information we need to get you balanced. Ask us for one next time you come in.