Essential Oils: Part One

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Every fall, we turn our heat on and everything, including the dog, dries out. I like to combat the dry season with essential oils, because I have complete control of my ingredient list and, for me, the simpler the recipe, the better.

Whenever we talk about essential oils we must start with a carrier. One of my favorites is coconut oil - I think it should be on everyone’s carrier oil list. Coconut oil is a healthy fat and a rich source of essential fatty acids. It’s a 100% a single-ingredient product, it’s edible, and it can be used everywhere on your body.

My list of uses for coconut oil is endless. Here are just a few that I incorporate into my regular regimen:

  • As a nasal moisturizer, it’s so much better than a petroleum-based product. Apply a small amount into your nostril with a fingertip, and then massage the outside of your nose.
  • As skin mpisturizer or lubricant. Again, one ingredient and I rarely meet anyone who has any allergic reactions.
  • Instead of soap in the shower. You can use this every day, or give yourself a break from soap a few times per week. Watch out though - it can get slippery!
  • Add some brown sugar and you get a shower scrub. Just combine one part sugar to three parts coconut oil.
  • For a flaky scalp, rub in small amounts of coconut oil at bedtime, and wash your hair in the morning.
  • Massage a little coconut oil into your gums or swish a teaspoon around in your mouth. It will help keep your gums healthy and even whiten teeth over time.
  • As an ear oil for moisture. Simmer coconut oil with garlic and then let it oil, strain through cheesecloth and cool, and you will get an excellent ear oil.
  • For dry heals and feet, apply coconut oil and then put on cotton socks.
  • Apply to dry cracked hands, and cover with white cotton gloves for a couple of hours, and you may be amazed by the results.

Ready to put coconut oil in your list of healthy alternatives? Great. come back soon for Part Two, when we’ll add other essential oils, to make a healthier, happier you.