Cold & Flu Season

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As the days get shorter and the holiday season approaches, you can be sure of several things: chilly temperatures arrive, family gatherings…and colds and flu - unwelcome guests at the holiday time of year.

Here are few things to be sure you have on hand, to keep you feeling great and make sure you have the energy you need to complete all your holiday tasks and entertaining.

Quick Defense - Take this the second you feel aches, chills, sore throat, fever or other signs of cold or flu coming on. Take 2 caps 5 times daily, or every 2 hours for 2 days.

Whole Body Defense - Take this if you are going on a trip and you want to be sure your immune system is in high gear; if everyone in your house is sick and you want to stay well; if you are the person who feels they get sick all the time; or if you just want to have a healthy winter season. Take 1 cap 2 times daily. On an empty stomach is best.

Oscillococcinum - Take this at first sign of flu symptoms. When you’re feeling run down, achy, feverish or have chills, take the 3 vials equals 1 treatment. Take 1 vial at the onset of symptoms, 1 vial at bedtime, and 1 vial upon waking.

Congaplex - This is available in caps or chewables, and is suited for all ages 2 and up. Taken at first sign, it should abort the cold or flu process. Dose high for the first 2 days: 2 caps every 2 hours while awake then 3 caps 2 times per day until there are no signs of symptoms.

Cold and Flu Drops - These are a must for a homes with children. Give every 2 hours at the dosage on the bottle, and you will be happy to see your child go from symptomatic to symptom-free in no time at all. &Flu Drops Newsletter.pdf

Sambugaurd - This is a liquid for those who don't want to swallow caps, and there is a version for children. It can be taken as a preventive tonic or when symptoms are present.

Throat Coat Tea - Soothes a sore throat and gives winter comfort.