Safer Sun Protection

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By now, it goes without saying that too much sun is not a good thing for your skin, and that you should always apply a decent sunscreen if you are spending time outside, especially during the hot summer months.

But there’s a little bit more to it for me, and this is one of those times I am thankful I write blogs – I have to look at the facts and get the correct information to share with you.

I don’t spend much time in the sun, so I had not done much sunscreen research until recently, after I read a couple of articles that gave me cause for concern, and sent me running to my medicine cabinet to check the ingredients on the sunscreen I use. But my concern was not for me, or my skin… It was for the environment!

You see, what I found out is that many, many sunscreens contain one or more of three ingredients that have been found to be toxic both to humans, and to aquatic plant and animal life, especially coral reefs.

Coral reefs, which protect shores from extreme weather, and also support a huge part of marine life, are dying off at an alarming rate. The process is called coral bleaching,  and appears to be irreversible. I am sure you have heard the horror stories of mass coral die-offs. What you may not have known, until now, is that ingredients in sunscreen can contribute to coral degradation.

Here are the three ingredients to look for. If your current sunscreen contains any of them, it’s time for a new sunscreen:

  • Oxybenzone-  This is the most common bad ingredient, found in more than 3500 sunscreen products worldwide.  It has been banned from some of the beaches around the world because of its contribution to coral bleaching. It can also change the way your body utilizes hormones, and allegedly cause serious hormonal imbalances during puberty and childbearing ages. 
  • Octinoxate-  This is more toxic than oxybenzone and usually found in far lower concentrations, but the EWG (Environmental Working Group) states that even one drop in a gallon of water is toxic to the coral reef.
  • Octocrylene- This is a UV filter with moderate toxicity concerns. Sure, it protects your skin from the sun, but not from itself, and has been found to cause high rates of skin allergy.

Those are the three most toxic to you and to our world’s environment!

My latest research led me to a few products, now on my shelves, that come with high marks from EWG and Earth 911. I am stocking sport, water, baby and family sun protection that will allow you to enjoy the sun, the sand, and the water, knowing your sunscreen will be good for your skin and better for the environment.