Bad Science: Nordic Naturals® and Industry Comment on Omega-3s and Prostate Cancer Study

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A recent study caused a stir in the media when it linked Omega-3 fish oil with prostate cancer. The study has since been found to contain a variety of flaws, and the industry wants consumers to know their products are safe.

"Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk in the SELECT Trial," published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, contained major flaws that led to a great deal of consusion.

  1. The blood samples used were frozen and originally meant for a different study regarding vitamin E and selenium.
  2. The blood test used did not measure long-term omega-3 intake, but rather only what the subject took in over the last 48 hours.
  3. Participants only had their Omega-3 levels measured once during the entire study.

Watch the video linked below to learn about how safe Omega-3 fish oil products actually are for your body.

Video: Flaws Found in the Initial Omega-3 Study (2:43)

Official Statement from Nordic Naturals®